who we are


The Bellasnova Foundation is securing the future of orphaned and poverty stricken children in the town of Bela Vista, Mozambique through the operation of an orphanage, school, community outreach, and feeding program. The security of the children’s future will empower the children to grow into young men and woman who will fulfill their higher calling and transform the nation and world they were born into.




Securing the health of every child is our first priority. The children are given immunizations and medication. Because Mozambique has a high HIV infection rate, this is where most of the focus is placed, and as a result lives have been saved.


We are currently feeding 80 children a day and 250+ weekly. The children that are fed daily are the children who live at the orphanage and attend the school. Weekly we have outreaches that feed children from the community beyond the school.


After health and well being, education is our priority. Education ensures that the children have hope for a better future. By providing a quality education, we are equipping the children with tools to build a bette life for them and their families.

Get involved

Sponsor a child

For $1 a day you can sponsor a child. This provides clothing, food, medical care and education for a child.

Take a trip with us

Every year we take a team to visit the orphanage and school in Mozambique. For more info, please visit the trips page.

Host a fundraiser

If you are interested in hosting your own fundraising event, please contact us and we will help you coordinate it. Get creative!

Sponsor a special project

Special projects are based upon needs that come up that are not covered in the child sponsorships. Visit the special projects section to see the latest project.

Sponsor a child

$1 a day changes a life

look forward to hearing from you

Contact us

E-mai: info@bellasnova.org

Phone: 713-357-1593